Sabres are 23-10-1. 47pts. 4th in the Eastern Conference.
Holy hell!
Just thought you should all know.
Posted by
on November 4, 2005
Comments: (0)
What? I'm lazy, you say. You maybe right. But, I've been up to stuff. Stuff I say!
New cell phone as of 24 hours ago. Here's a shot of it. And, no, thats not my hand. My fingernails aren't that gross. Anyways, it's a sweet deal. Gots a camera and mp3 capabilities and all that other techno-logic stuff. As long as it's still a phone at the end of the day, works for me.
Lake Effect is still rollin' along. Updated once- whenever we feel like it. Due to Corey's three jobs and an unhealthy love of sports, I'm running the site fopr a while. Forgive me on my photoshop skills, because they still aren't good enough for me to make the "s" a "z." (Skillz!)
Addicted to Madden '06. Have the Bills at 8-1. Kickin' virtual ass. Sexy virtual man ass.
Birthday in 9 days for those counting. Send gifts to me care of the post office. They've got my address, ask them for it.
Whoa, there's a lady in my bed.
New cell phone as of 24 hours ago. Here's a shot of it. And, no, thats not my hand. My fingernails aren't that gross. Anyways, it's a sweet deal. Gots a camera and mp3 capabilities and all that other techno-logic stuff. As long as it's still a phone at the end of the day, works for me.
Lake Effect is still rollin' along. Updated once- whenever we feel like it. Due to Corey's three jobs and an unhealthy love of sports, I'm running the site fopr a while. Forgive me on my photoshop skills, because they still aren't good enough for me to make the "s" a "z." (Skillz!)
Addicted to Madden '06. Have the Bills at 8-1. Kickin' virtual ass. Sexy virtual man ass.
Birthday in 9 days for those counting. Send gifts to me care of the post office. They've got my address, ask them for it.
Whoa, there's a lady in my bed.
Posted by
on October 12, 2005
Comments: (0)
The Moon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
They have the internet on computers now?
Posted by
on August 31, 2005
Comments: (3)
Ok, so apparently the internet has it's bad points and one of them is this.
It's so ridiculous it's funny. But, the fact is, some people are serious about this. Jesus.
It's so ridiculous it's funny. But, the fact is, some people are serious about this. Jesus.
Posted by
on August 23, 2005
Comments: (1)
So, the Christian Right is at it again.
It seems that TV Evangelist, and all around WASP Leader Pat Robertson, has declared that the US should just go ahead and kill whoever he feels needs to be dead. And it's not just any random non-believer or punk lefty who may cross his path each day, it's the leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez.
Ok, so let's get this into perspective. Hugo Chavez is the elected leader of Venezuela and has been for the last couple of years. Now, the government that Venezuela has in place is a fun little mix between Socialism and Communism. Along with that, Chavez has repeatedly said that Catsro- you know, the bearded guy from Cuba who Kennedy went after in the 60's- is his long time mentor and friend. And, like we needed more, Venezuela has a nice supply of crude oil, and their top buyer is the US.
So there's some bad and some not-so bad in that little blurb about Chavez, and it's highly likely that Robertson is manily focusing on the bad. Now, Time Magazine online has a nice little story about these on goings here and has clearly stated that Robertson's statements only help Chavez. Well, they're right.
Chavez has been using anti-US and "down with capitalism" rhetoric since he was first elected, and this blatant call for his death by none other than our own leader of the "right and mighty" will only make him more loved in his own country than he already is. And to futher fuel the anymosity, Chavez has said repeatedly that Venezuela needs to cut back their oil supplies to the US and find more buyers. If you see gas prices go above $3 in the next couple months, there' one guy who some can pin it on now.
So, for the sake of objectivity -I did take a journalism class or two in college, so I should adhere to it- is Pat Roberston wrong for saying this on cable TV? At first glance, yes. You can't just go on TV and say that you think someone should be dead. Not only that, but you shouldn't incite that the person that should do the killing is not actually a person, but your own national government. That is just plain stupid.
But this will definitely get spun by the right, and with alittle help from an article in a German newspaper calling Europe a coward for their lack of help with the Iraq War that's going on, Robertson will be shown as a bold thinker. Not to mention that Bush holds Robertson is his good graces. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to Robertson's comments, but I'm sure, even though he wont say it, Bush likes what he hears.
Now, personally, I've never been a fan of the Christian Right, or the melding of Church and State thats become so prevalent in our society today, but in all honesty, Robertson has gone balls out here. Now whether or not its the good kind of balls out or the bad here, thats not for me to decide, but I know we are certainly not talking about the Churchill speech against Hitler. That dude was nasty and he had it coming.
Just a side note, that article by the German fella I mentioned earlier is pretty interesting. He takes a sort of "i hate non-action" stance against Europe and I kinda dig that. Now as you might tell , I'm not a big Bush fan, but there's not a whole lot of praise for Bush in the article, just a show of respect for a man who's taking action and not sitting back until the last minute. I guess you could say Bush is that German's, Steven Segal. Or, mabye not.
It seems that TV Evangelist, and all around WASP Leader Pat Robertson, has declared that the US should just go ahead and kill whoever he feels needs to be dead. And it's not just any random non-believer or punk lefty who may cross his path each day, it's the leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez.
Ok, so let's get this into perspective. Hugo Chavez is the elected leader of Venezuela and has been for the last couple of years. Now, the government that Venezuela has in place is a fun little mix between Socialism and Communism. Along with that, Chavez has repeatedly said that Catsro- you know, the bearded guy from Cuba who Kennedy went after in the 60's- is his long time mentor and friend. And, like we needed more, Venezuela has a nice supply of crude oil, and their top buyer is the US.
So there's some bad and some not-so bad in that little blurb about Chavez, and it's highly likely that Robertson is manily focusing on the bad. Now, Time Magazine online has a nice little story about these on goings here and has clearly stated that Robertson's statements only help Chavez. Well, they're right.
Chavez has been using anti-US and "down with capitalism" rhetoric since he was first elected, and this blatant call for his death by none other than our own leader of the "right and mighty" will only make him more loved in his own country than he already is. And to futher fuel the anymosity, Chavez has said repeatedly that Venezuela needs to cut back their oil supplies to the US and find more buyers. If you see gas prices go above $3 in the next couple months, there' one guy who some can pin it on now.
So, for the sake of objectivity -I did take a journalism class or two in college, so I should adhere to it- is Pat Roberston wrong for saying this on cable TV? At first glance, yes. You can't just go on TV and say that you think someone should be dead. Not only that, but you shouldn't incite that the person that should do the killing is not actually a person, but your own national government. That is just plain stupid.
But this will definitely get spun by the right, and with alittle help from an article in a German newspaper calling Europe a coward for their lack of help with the Iraq War that's going on, Robertson will be shown as a bold thinker. Not to mention that Bush holds Robertson is his good graces. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to Robertson's comments, but I'm sure, even though he wont say it, Bush likes what he hears.
Now, personally, I've never been a fan of the Christian Right, or the melding of Church and State thats become so prevalent in our society today, but in all honesty, Robertson has gone balls out here. Now whether or not its the good kind of balls out or the bad here, thats not for me to decide, but I know we are certainly not talking about the Churchill speech against Hitler. That dude was nasty and he had it coming.
Just a side note, that article by the German fella I mentioned earlier is pretty interesting. He takes a sort of "i hate non-action" stance against Europe and I kinda dig that. Now as you might tell , I'm not a big Bush fan, but there's not a whole lot of praise for Bush in the article, just a show of respect for a man who's taking action and not sitting back until the last minute. I guess you could say Bush is that German's, Steven Segal. Or, mabye not.
Posted by
on August 20, 2005
Comments: (0)
ok, so it's been nearly a month. give me a break, it's summer, things happen, like parties and alcohol and fun and laziness and sleeping and ya know... the bedroom activities. ok, maybe not the last one, but one day!

Nerd is street.
moving on...
I got a new computer last week. The old one said, "hey life isn't good anymore, see ya." And like that it was gone. Well not so much gone as it just got moved to the other side of the apt. where is sits and sits. So, the new computer I got is holding its own right now. 120GB harddrive, 2.8GHZ AMD processor, 512 DDRAM and a killer gaming case. It's gonna do me some good in the future, and lots of room for upgrades as well.
Even in death, Hunter S. Thompson is still throwing it out there and seeing if anyone brings it back.
Recently addicted to alot of the albums made by The Smiths from the 80s. I was into them before, but with some recent additions, it's fully on. Hey nothing like some brit-pop/rock to wind ya down.
Ok, it's first time back in a while so I can't go full gungho, so i'll end it here. Enjoy what you can and remember, a wise man once said, "bag it before you tag it."

Nerd is street.
moving on...
I got a new computer last week. The old one said, "hey life isn't good anymore, see ya." And like that it was gone. Well not so much gone as it just got moved to the other side of the apt. where is sits and sits. So, the new computer I got is holding its own right now. 120GB harddrive, 2.8GHZ AMD processor, 512 DDRAM and a killer gaming case. It's gonna do me some good in the future, and lots of room for upgrades as well.
Even in death, Hunter S. Thompson is still throwing it out there and seeing if anyone brings it back.
Recently addicted to alot of the albums made by The Smiths from the 80s. I was into them before, but with some recent additions, it's fully on. Hey nothing like some brit-pop/rock to wind ya down.
Ok, it's first time back in a while so I can't go full gungho, so i'll end it here. Enjoy what you can and remember, a wise man once said, "bag it before you tag it."
shout out loud!
Posted by
on July 22, 2005
Comments: (3)
dude, we got sports news.
to start off:

Welcome back fellas. We missed ya.
Ok, now on to more news.
Travis Henry got his trade and is now a member of the Tenesesee Titans. Good move for us and a good move for them. With an injury prone Chris Brown, they could use Henry for a little assurance in the backfield. And, for us, it's offically the Willis McGahee show now in Buffalo, and his first guest is, you guessed, some championships. This guys' got more power in his legs than I have in my, well, anywhere in my pudgy frame. I am not gonna mind watching him for the next 10 years running 30-40 times a game. It's how we're gonna win this year.
So, made a trip the local Blockbuster down the street from the apt and picked up this nice little unknown film. God damn.That was some crazy shit, but with those guys, you expect it. I know i'm about 6 to 8 months behind by just talking about this movie now, but its still worth talking about. Cause, dammit, you're gonna need a montage.
We're going strong with Lake Effect now, and we're gonna be on 3 times a week now. Movin' up. Things are getting crazy and no one knows what's gonna happen next. Oh, wait, I do. Ha ha, that rules.
Ok, keep reading and keep breathing. Lifes' happenin people, get with it.
to start off:

Welcome back fellas. We missed ya.
Ok, now on to more news.
Travis Henry got his trade and is now a member of the Tenesesee Titans. Good move for us and a good move for them. With an injury prone Chris Brown, they could use Henry for a little assurance in the backfield. And, for us, it's offically the Willis McGahee show now in Buffalo, and his first guest is, you guessed, some championships. This guys' got more power in his legs than I have in my, well, anywhere in my pudgy frame. I am not gonna mind watching him for the next 10 years running 30-40 times a game. It's how we're gonna win this year.
So, made a trip the local Blockbuster down the street from the apt and picked up this nice little unknown film. God damn.That was some crazy shit, but with those guys, you expect it. I know i'm about 6 to 8 months behind by just talking about this movie now, but its still worth talking about. Cause, dammit, you're gonna need a montage.
We're going strong with Lake Effect now, and we're gonna be on 3 times a week now. Movin' up. Things are getting crazy and no one knows what's gonna happen next. Oh, wait, I do. Ha ha, that rules.
Ok, keep reading and keep breathing. Lifes' happenin people, get with it.
mind numbing...
Posted by
on July 11, 2005
Comments: (1)
i've changed the main font on my journal, but you'll probably need to download it in order to view my blog in its' full capacity. go here to get it and to rock.
went and saw the fantastic 4 over the weekend. had to say i was pretty entertained by it until the last 20 minutes when it just ended. highly anti-climatic and the usual sequel teaser at the end. would that be called the fantastic 4 2? fantastic 4 return? fantastic 4: the reckoning? crappy title for a cappy sequel. sweet jesus hollywood.
let's all grab some guiness and toast one to the folks in london over this past week. ultimate high to the ultimate low. some people just have to ruin everything. damn terrorists and their terrorizing. go back to your shanties people.
for kicks:

class. pure class.
baseball is at its' mid-point and that means its time for the all-star game and homerun derby. enjoy the power and the laughs. feel free to boo kenny rogers whenever you want. he's on 'roids withdrawl, so things can get dicey.
went and saw the fantastic 4 over the weekend. had to say i was pretty entertained by it until the last 20 minutes when it just ended. highly anti-climatic and the usual sequel teaser at the end. would that be called the fantastic 4 2? fantastic 4 return? fantastic 4: the reckoning? crappy title for a cappy sequel. sweet jesus hollywood.
let's all grab some guiness and toast one to the folks in london over this past week. ultimate high to the ultimate low. some people just have to ruin everything. damn terrorists and their terrorizing. go back to your shanties people.
for kicks:

class. pure class.
baseball is at its' mid-point and that means its time for the all-star game and homerun derby. enjoy the power and the laughs. feel free to boo kenny rogers whenever you want. he's on 'roids withdrawl, so things can get dicey.
Posted by
on July 5, 2005
Comments: (3)

I've got my eye on you.
i am completely addicted to the reruns of Law & Order: SVU on USA. they show it atleast 3 times a day, and last night it was on from 8p to 11p straight. i'm reaching new levels of laziness i never knew existed. i swear, if i ever meet the dude who invented TV, i'm gonna jump his bones. christopher meloni is totally worth it.
has Eddie Murphy made a decent movie since Beverely Hills Cop?
apparently NASA decided to send a probe to a comet close to our solar system called Tempel 1. their idea of a probe is this metal machine that crashes into the comet going around 23,000 mph. dude, thats solid. i diggin' the fact that NASA wants to blow shit up in the name of science. now, i'm sure there might be some reprocussions for deciding to send a spacecraft out to run into a comet, but give NASA some balls for getting excited for this kinda of shit. NASA man.
any questions or comments for me, leave me some love on the blog. any ideas for future rants, just shove 'em. this is my blog people. thats right.
Easy America, the Japanese aren't great at everything. Oh, wait. Yes they are.
Posted by
on June 27, 2005
Comments: (1)
today we start with...

that's right, its robot jox. that classy movie that ripped off voltron and made us think that it was cool to be a B movie actor and hang out with giant metal robots. to robot jox, here's to american movies ripping off the japanese, and to a giant saw penis trying to kill you.
just see the movie.
Random Thoughts or, what Dave thinks about when he's not paying attention to you:
-is it just me or is tom cruise out of control. i know nothing about scientology, but if you're calling people "glib" on morning talk shows, i think it's time to stay at home for a little while. dianetics, its whats down in hollywood.
-jeremy roenick totally went off on the critics of the lockout of the NHL, which happens to be every hockey fan in north america, and told us not to blame him cause he makes a lot of money to play a"game." dude, come on. i like roenick, checking the shit out of people and making legs squirm cause your brain just stopped working, but seriously, you get paid to get away with crap that you couldn't do outside of a hockey arena. i want to get paid 2 million bucks a year to commit involuntary manslaughter every night. eh, let's just shut up and get hockey back.
ok, enjoy for now and stay cool. its hot out their people, and we dont need stragglers.

that's right, its robot jox. that classy movie that ripped off voltron and made us think that it was cool to be a B movie actor and hang out with giant metal robots. to robot jox, here's to american movies ripping off the japanese, and to a giant saw penis trying to kill you.
just see the movie.
Random Thoughts or, what Dave thinks about when he's not paying attention to you:
-is it just me or is tom cruise out of control. i know nothing about scientology, but if you're calling people "glib" on morning talk shows, i think it's time to stay at home for a little while. dianetics, its whats down in hollywood.
-jeremy roenick totally went off on the critics of the lockout of the NHL, which happens to be every hockey fan in north america, and told us not to blame him cause he makes a lot of money to play a"game." dude, come on. i like roenick, checking the shit out of people and making legs squirm cause your brain just stopped working, but seriously, you get paid to get away with crap that you couldn't do outside of a hockey arena. i want to get paid 2 million bucks a year to commit involuntary manslaughter every night. eh, let's just shut up and get hockey back.
ok, enjoy for now and stay cool. its hot out their people, and we dont need stragglers.
its always something with someone...
Posted by
on June 22, 2005
Comments: (3)
starters: photos of random people on your ID badges for work. I got dibs on the motion hologram one of Gallagher smashing a watermelon.
apparently god has decided that he too does not like the midwest and has brought upon them 40 to 50 small fault lines near New Madrid, Missouri, and is letting them play around for a bit. i doubt it will sink the area into the ocean like the earthquakes on the west coast could do to california, but hey, whatever needs to be done.
so if NYC lacks anything at all, it certainly isnt' shame.
it seems that Oprah Winfrey, queen of daytime tv and all little greedy girls of the future, was denied entry into a posh Paris store the other night because she arrived 15 minutes after they closed. a store clerk and a store manager apologized profusely and let her know that she could come back tomorrow and shop for as long as she likes.
now, the problem here isn't that the mighty Oprah was turned down and she got pissed, but it's what the New York Post wrote about the incident in their Gossip column. they said the store was, and i quote "having a problem with North Africans lately."
hey, i can't make that shit up. the store and Oprah's people denied that ever have being said, so the blame lies solely on the good folks at the New York Post. granted it was in their Gossip section, which will most likely say anything, but to the dude who came up with that reason, shut up.
ok, i'm out. thats your news for the day.
apparently god has decided that he too does not like the midwest and has brought upon them 40 to 50 small fault lines near New Madrid, Missouri, and is letting them play around for a bit. i doubt it will sink the area into the ocean like the earthquakes on the west coast could do to california, but hey, whatever needs to be done.
so if NYC lacks anything at all, it certainly isnt' shame.
it seems that Oprah Winfrey, queen of daytime tv and all little greedy girls of the future, was denied entry into a posh Paris store the other night because she arrived 15 minutes after they closed. a store clerk and a store manager apologized profusely and let her know that she could come back tomorrow and shop for as long as she likes.
now, the problem here isn't that the mighty Oprah was turned down and she got pissed, but it's what the New York Post wrote about the incident in their Gossip column. they said the store was, and i quote "having a problem with North Africans lately."
hey, i can't make that shit up. the store and Oprah's people denied that ever have being said, so the blame lies solely on the good folks at the New York Post. granted it was in their Gossip section, which will most likely say anything, but to the dude who came up with that reason, shut up.
ok, i'm out. thats your news for the day.
still kickin'...
Posted by
on June 21, 2005
Comments: (0)
so, yeah... welcome back.
ok, so the link to your right that takes you to Lake Effect totally works now. feel free to click it and enjoy the hilarity that is my life in comic form. well my life and a few friends. ok, my friends and me in it a little. fine! a comic about my friends and i make an appearance occasionaly. no, i'm in it. for real.
ok, so i'm in the new apartment now. have been for a month. feel free to barage me with complaints about not updating sooner. none, huh, alright then. the place looks good, got lots of stuff up and things that you sit and sleep on in the right places. lots of girlie things around as well. time to man up, i guess.
i case you didn't know, i dont work at the holiday inn anymore. yep, i've done it. i've escaped the wrath that was the hospitality industry. never again will i have to wear a vest with a tie and tell people where to meander throughout a winding maze of human misery. wow, well that's kinda of close. especially the part about the vest.
so, my new job is at a health network company in west seneca. i've got a cube and an inbox. looks like i've made it folks. the Com majors' dream, a cubicle. its all about paper pushin' and number crunchin' bitches.
well that's what new around here. seriously, check out Lake Effect when you get a chance, we could use the hits.
'til next time, shock the monkey.
ok, so the link to your right that takes you to Lake Effect totally works now. feel free to click it and enjoy the hilarity that is my life in comic form. well my life and a few friends. ok, my friends and me in it a little. fine! a comic about my friends and i make an appearance occasionaly. no, i'm in it. for real.
ok, so i'm in the new apartment now. have been for a month. feel free to barage me with complaints about not updating sooner. none, huh, alright then. the place looks good, got lots of stuff up and things that you sit and sleep on in the right places. lots of girlie things around as well. time to man up, i guess.
i case you didn't know, i dont work at the holiday inn anymore. yep, i've done it. i've escaped the wrath that was the hospitality industry. never again will i have to wear a vest with a tie and tell people where to meander throughout a winding maze of human misery. wow, well that's kinda of close. especially the part about the vest.
so, my new job is at a health network company in west seneca. i've got a cube and an inbox. looks like i've made it folks. the Com majors' dream, a cubicle. its all about paper pushin' and number crunchin' bitches.
well that's what new around here. seriously, check out Lake Effect when you get a chance, we could use the hits.
'til next time, shock the monkey.
Posted by
on May 27, 2005
Comments: (0)
moved into the apartment now. its cool. its got amenities, like water, heat, gas and coin opperated laundry. son of a bitch to paying for cleanliness!
not much else is going on. president bush visited my old high school on tuesday to talk about social security. its pretty smart when you hand pick your audience, but of course there were picketers. this is rochester baby, we're in a blue state yo!
parties will be happening soon at the new place. be warned that if your are a friend you will be getting an invite to mayhem. let's drink!
not much else is going on. president bush visited my old high school on tuesday to talk about social security. its pretty smart when you hand pick your audience, but of course there were picketers. this is rochester baby, we're in a blue state yo!
parties will be happening soon at the new place. be warned that if your are a friend you will be getting an invite to mayhem. let's drink!
Posted by
on May 17, 2005
Comments: (1)
so, the move begins in 3 days. exciting, yes. exhausting, yes. expatriating, no. what? expatriating, where the hell did that come from. who knows.
hey a change is a comin'.
hey a change is a comin'.
Posted by
on May 2, 2005
Comments: (0)
man, the more things seem like they're changing, the less they actually are. old friends can be just that, old. ouch, that seemed a bit harsh. hmm... not old, but pastful. is that a word? probably not, but i'm using it anyways. i own the english language.
my zach morris cell phone is staring me in the face like it wants to start some shit. i think i better back away, cause you know how big it is. hell the battery is nearly the size of my head. back away old technology!
ok, 19 days til the move. kick it.
my zach morris cell phone is staring me in the face like it wants to start some shit. i think i better back away, cause you know how big it is. hell the battery is nearly the size of my head. back away old technology!
ok, 19 days til the move. kick it.
Posted by
on May 1, 2005
Comments: (1)
so brooke and i got an apartment in cheektowaga, or better known as cheekto-vegas for you buffalonians out there. it's a sweet pad in a nice apt complex and it includes heat/gas, water and basic cable tv. kick it. we move in on May 20th and 21st, so if any of you want to give us a hand on one of those days, feel free. plus we are taking everyone out to Friendly's afterwords, cause its located right behind our building. yes, kick ass.
other than that nothing to new in the world over here. just chillaxin' and trying to have a good time.
alright, well have fun all and holla at me if ya need something. dolla bills ya'll.
i'm so white.
other than that nothing to new in the world over here. just chillaxin' and trying to have a good time.
alright, well have fun all and holla at me if ya need something. dolla bills ya'll.
i'm so white.
with the musical stylings of...
Posted by
on April 20, 2005
Comments: (9)
top 5 vocalists of the '70s in no particular order
-stevie wonder
-stevie ray vaughn
-joe strummer
-john lennon
-robert plant
add to it.
-stevie wonder
-stevie ray vaughn
-joe strummer
-john lennon
-robert plant
add to it.
Posted by
on April 8, 2005
Comments: (0)
so i'm thinking that if you ever get asked if you've ever sucked dick for coke, the best possible answer is "no."
ill hang up and listen.
ill hang up and listen.
how about that...
Posted by
on April 5, 2005
Comments: (1)
ok, so let me just start off by saying that Sin City is good. i definitely suggest that anyone who likes comic book/action/film noir/crime or nudity is movies go see this. it definitely hits all those bases, especially the last one in the first 20 minutes. Eric the Terrible has a good review of it at
i'm not really sad that the pope is dead. well i feel bad and i know how much good work he did for the world regardless of his religion. but i am upset a bit by all the press its getting now. in the end he is a man, and he died, lets leave it at that. but unfortunately we wont. he will be in the news until a new pope is elected in 2 to 3 weeks and then he'll be in the paper for another 2 to 3 weeks. catholicism should be reveling in the positive publicity they're getting here for the first time in a couple years. but don't worry, the catholic church will get back to its' roots soon enough. hell i found out 2 weeks ago that a preist at my old church got caught with nearly 10 gigs of child porn on his personal computer. way to go. and then when a friend of my mom's tried calling the rectory to find out more information about it she got one of our older priests who was drunk and proclaiming that he was dead. who said catholicism isn't fun anymore.
ok, i'm going to do some online crossword puzzles and pass out. don't go dying on me.
i'm not really sad that the pope is dead. well i feel bad and i know how much good work he did for the world regardless of his religion. but i am upset a bit by all the press its getting now. in the end he is a man, and he died, lets leave it at that. but unfortunately we wont. he will be in the news until a new pope is elected in 2 to 3 weeks and then he'll be in the paper for another 2 to 3 weeks. catholicism should be reveling in the positive publicity they're getting here for the first time in a couple years. but don't worry, the catholic church will get back to its' roots soon enough. hell i found out 2 weeks ago that a preist at my old church got caught with nearly 10 gigs of child porn on his personal computer. way to go. and then when a friend of my mom's tried calling the rectory to find out more information about it she got one of our older priests who was drunk and proclaiming that he was dead. who said catholicism isn't fun anymore.
ok, i'm going to do some online crossword puzzles and pass out. don't go dying on me.
big man...
Posted by
on April 3, 2005
Comments: (4)
dude, can i just say one thing.
hey god, it's me dave. no, not margaret, she's like 40 now, and she'll probably get back to you in 10 years with another question of that sort. ok, so what the hell? it's april and there's snow, are we really that bad? have we hurt you or done something horribly wrong, like the goo goo dolls, to make you smote us with snow? it's almost as if you suddenly dropped one of your giant bags of cocaine on us and then said, "oh it's only buffalo, they wont know the difference." ok, ok, i'm sorry, you dont do coke, that much, anymore. but man, come on, let us have some decent weather. we arent' nomads or stinky eskimos here, we're americans and we deserve better. well atleast our president thinks so, but i didnt vote for him, so when he goes to hell i wont mind. anyways, all i want is some decent weather, cause i can't play golf in this shit, and i know you're a golfer too, so lets hear it for the sun. if you do this ill start going to church again and maybe i'll even pay attention, ooh wouldn't that be nice. no seriously, lets get it together. ok, have a good rest of eternity, and um, ill hopefully see you soon.
oh, and by the way, there's still slot of people fighting for individualist means down here. that might be something to look into as well. aight, peace out G.
hey god, it's me dave. no, not margaret, she's like 40 now, and she'll probably get back to you in 10 years with another question of that sort. ok, so what the hell? it's april and there's snow, are we really that bad? have we hurt you or done something horribly wrong, like the goo goo dolls, to make you smote us with snow? it's almost as if you suddenly dropped one of your giant bags of cocaine on us and then said, "oh it's only buffalo, they wont know the difference." ok, ok, i'm sorry, you dont do coke, that much, anymore. but man, come on, let us have some decent weather. we arent' nomads or stinky eskimos here, we're americans and we deserve better. well atleast our president thinks so, but i didnt vote for him, so when he goes to hell i wont mind. anyways, all i want is some decent weather, cause i can't play golf in this shit, and i know you're a golfer too, so lets hear it for the sun. if you do this ill start going to church again and maybe i'll even pay attention, ooh wouldn't that be nice. no seriously, lets get it together. ok, have a good rest of eternity, and um, ill hopefully see you soon.
oh, and by the way, there's still slot of people fighting for individualist means down here. that might be something to look into as well. aight, peace out G.
ok, ok...
Posted by
on April 1, 2005
Comments: (1)
let me start off by saying that The Stranger by Billy Joel is one solid motherfucking album. I suggest you pick it up on CD or Vinyl and give it a spin. New Jersey isn't total trash.
so i've been trying to do the crossword puzzle in The Buffalo News as often as possible now to see if 1) i can even answer more than 3 of the clues they give, and 2) cause my grandfather can do them and he's cool. hey if i can do what my pop-pop can do, then i'm doing well.
ok, so you know whats up, get to it.
so i've been trying to do the crossword puzzle in The Buffalo News as often as possible now to see if 1) i can even answer more than 3 of the clues they give, and 2) cause my grandfather can do them and he's cool. hey if i can do what my pop-pop can do, then i'm doing well.
ok, so you know whats up, get to it.