that's right, its robot jox. that classy movie that ripped off voltron and made us think that it was cool to be a B movie actor and hang out with giant metal robots. to robot jox, here's to american movies ripping off the japanese, and to a giant saw penis trying to kill you.
just see the movie.
Random Thoughts or, what Dave thinks about when he's not paying attention to you:
-is it just me or is tom cruise out of control. i know nothing about scientology, but if you're calling people "glib" on morning talk shows, i think it's time to stay at home for a little while. dianetics, its whats down in hollywood.
-jeremy roenick totally went off on the critics of the lockout of the NHL, which happens to be every hockey fan in north america, and told us not to blame him cause he makes a lot of money to play a"game." dude, come on. i like roenick, checking the shit out of people and making legs squirm cause your brain just stopped working, but seriously, you get paid to get away with crap that you couldn't do outside of a hockey arena. i want to get paid 2 million bucks a year to commit involuntary manslaughter every night. eh, let's just shut up and get hockey back.
ok, enjoy for now and stay cool. its hot out their people, and we dont need stragglers.
Robot Jox, classy. Still can't believe that it was directed by one of my biggest influences (Stuart Gordon).
Yeah, same here on the planning to make a whole anti-Cruise blog, but I figured I caught my limit.
And yes, he's out of control, I guess we need CRUISE CONTROL!
Wa wa waaaaah, yeah I went there.
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