how about that...

ok, so let me just start off by saying that Sin City is good. i definitely suggest that anyone who likes comic book/action/film noir/crime or nudity is movies go see this. it definitely hits all those bases, especially the last one in the first 20 minutes. Eric the Terrible has a good review of it at

i'm not really sad that the pope is dead. well i feel bad and i know how much good work he did for the world regardless of his religion. but i am upset a bit by all the press its getting now. in the end he is a man, and he died, lets leave it at that. but unfortunately we wont. he will be in the news until a new pope is elected in 2 to 3 weeks and then he'll be in the paper for another 2 to 3 weeks. catholicism should be reveling in the positive publicity they're getting here for the first time in a couple years. but don't worry, the catholic church will get back to its' roots soon enough. hell i found out 2 weeks ago that a preist at my old church got caught with nearly 10 gigs of child porn on his personal computer. way to go. and then when a friend of my mom's tried calling the rectory to find out more information about it she got one of our older priests who was drunk and proclaiming that he was dead. who said catholicism isn't fun anymore.

ok, i'm going to do some online crossword puzzles and pass out. don't go dying on me.


Eric said...

yeah meanwhile no one gives a shit about Mitch Hedberg dying at age 37.