went and saw the fantastic 4 over the weekend. had to say i was pretty entertained by it until the last 20 minutes when it just ended. highly anti-climatic and the usual sequel teaser at the end. would that be called the fantastic 4 2? fantastic 4 return? fantastic 4: the reckoning? crappy title for a cappy sequel. sweet jesus hollywood.
let's all grab some guiness and toast one to the folks in london over this past week. ultimate high to the ultimate low. some people just have to ruin everything. damn terrorists and their terrorizing. go back to your shanties people.
for kicks:

class. pure class.
baseball is at its' mid-point and that means its time for the all-star game and homerun derby. enjoy the power and the laughs. feel free to boo kenny rogers whenever you want. he's on 'roids withdrawl, so things can get dicey.
with Bubba Smith as The Thing.
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