click away readers

Massive thunderstorm going on right now in NYC. Man, this better let up by the morning, 'cause I'm too old for this stuff.

Passover has now come and gone. Apologies for only 1 post about the goings on of an unleavened life, but the lack of decent carbs prohibited me from having any other thoughts than seeing bread everywhere. It's ridiculous how much stuff has some sort of grain product in it, but when you can have it for the first time in over a week, it's like winning the bread lottery. Literally. Brooke and I ended passover with a major feast on pasta from Gino's, and then proceeded to melt into the couch as we realized that that was waaaay too much pasta for one sitting.

The past weekend was decent. Did some laundry and chores, hung out, got into to street fights with gangs in Queens. Maybe not the last one, but it can be tough going to the grocery store around the corner. They don't give out cash back on debit purchases. It's a dicey place.

People are declining to come to the wedding. It's uncool. Sure, there were people that we sent invites to that we suspected wouldn't be able to make it, but were getting declines from people we never thought wouldn't come. If some of you don't know, this wedding is gonna rock it out, and it's jewish, so it's got street cred. Lower east side cred, but cred none the less. That's cool, you folks can miss out and then see all the photos afterwards and wish you made it. The photobooth alone with all it's props will take care of that.

Enjoy the links. Google images is solid. Thank you internet.

Tuesday afternoon

So we're currently in the sixth day of Passover. I'm starting to feel a little like Newman from Seinfeld in the episode where he sees Kramer's head as a giant cooked turkey, although I'm seeing people as loaves of Rye and Whole Wheat. My buddy Josh sent me this e-card today. There never was a truer card sent. Also, a solid choice for man to man card giving. To the point and containing some hints of violence. Also see: Cards for other Dudes.

Had a pretty enjoyable weekend. Was an extra day longer thanks to Friday being good. Brooke made lots of delicious kosher food on Sat. and several friends joined us in devouring it. There are still a bunch of leftovers, which will thankfully get me through the next 28 hours or so. Holy crap pasta is gonna taste good tomorrow.

Wedding planning is still in full effect. Finalizing things here and setting up meetings there. Major stuff is pretty much taken care of, including invites, and RSVP cards are returning left and right. Quick note: we spent so much time making sure that our invitations were all neat and proper and such; who knew that everyone could just write all over our RSVP cards. I mean, I dig it, some great notes showing up, but if I knew that was going to happen I would said we should make our RSVP's look like this.

Alright, 3 URL links in one entry, I've hit the quota. Later interweb.

I can't eat what?

Passover started last night, so Jews around the world are going all Atkins for a week. Brooke and I did our own little seder last night, but we'll be doing the 2nd seder tonight with my friend Josh at his place. Should be a good night of Jewish cuisine and ridiculousness. We'll see if anyone gets smacked.

So, for this passover I've decided to give the old going kosher a try. Brooke's excited that I'm doing it with her and my stomach is yelling at me for not giving it "man food" for the next week. Shut up stomach, charoset is tres manly. I'll probably dialogue on this blog about how it's going. Should be fine up until the weekend, wherein matzos becomes the driest thing ever made and all I think about is pounding bologna sandwiches. I'm so white.

To all the Jews out there, Chag Semeach. To all you other people, get your pork outta my face.

back in a ny groove?

3 years, huh. That's a while between blog posts. I guess not much has happened. Except I moved to NYC and I'm getting married in 3 months. Who needs specifics, right?

So this blog may be back in business for a bit, but may see a change or two. I've put 2+2 together and realized that, contrary to many, I have feelings on things and I have the internet. So with logic, or lack there of, lets throw it all on this blogger page and see what sticks.

Stay tuned, net people.